Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Curious Cake Shoppe is Tagged in This Photo!

They have been a long time coming, but until now we never had the time to get them all sorted out. Which makes me even more excited to announce that we now have Curious Cake Shoppe tags! Yay!

Want to see more? Look for them on all our Made From Scratch blankets!

Monday, September 28, 2009

A Stork Has Arrived!

Three Tier Stork Diaper Cake (front)
Originally uploaded by taniamc
Click the image above to visit our Flickr gallery!

This cake was a custom order for a very sweet woman looking for a cake for her daughter.

She wanted a yellow, green, and white cake three tier cake. After we had discussed this, I found out she had originally started looking online for a stork themed cake, but was unable to find one. I was so very pleased to have this little stork standing by for just the perfect cake.

Congrats to her and her daughter! I hope the baby shower was a great success!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Upcoming Craft Shows

Hey everyone!

We are very excited to announce that we have two craft shows coming up soon! The Shoppe has been buzzing to make sure that we have plenty of new designs and goodies for you to check out! We will be up to our icing in lollipops, truffles, cupcakes, gift sets, and diaper cakes! Oh my!

And.... we are giddy to announce we will be revealing our new products at the shows! They have not even hit the website, so be sure to stop by and see what we've been up too!

Coppell Fall Festival & Farmer's Market
Located at the corners of Bethel and So. Coppell Roads.
October 10, 2009
8:00am - Sellout (approx 12:00pm)
Free admission

Coppell Holiday House
Coppell High School
REVISED: November 8th, 2009
10:00am - 4:30pm
Small admission fee benefiting Coppell Project Graduation

Official hours and admission fees for Holiday House have not yet been released, so we will be updating it as information becomes available. Stay tuned!

Update: We have corrected the date for the Holiday House, which is on Sunday the 8th, not Saturday the 7th. Sorry about that!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

And this little piggy went to Plano...

Two Tier Piggy Pink Stripes for Girl (front)
Originally uploaded by taniamc
Click the picture above to see more of this cake!

This cake exemplifies one of the many styles of diaper cakes that we offer here at The Curious Cake Shoppe. All the goodies are packed inside where you can't see them, but what you can see are the hand rolled diapers that serve as the foundation for all our diaper cakes.

This custom cake was created as a gift for a local baby shower and the turnaround time was less than 2 days. So, even if Life gets the best of you and you find that your gift giving time period is down to the wire -- check in with us! Chances are we can help you create that perfect gift and still beat the clock.

Until next time...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Looking back on the very first "Made From Scratch" cake...

Two Tier Yellow and Brown Monkey Cake for Boy or Girl (front)
Originally uploaded by taniamc
Click the image above for more pictures!

Well, I'm not sure how I forgot to post this one, but I did!

This is the first cake presented by The Curious Cake Shoppe with all handmade ingredients. It was eagerly constructed for my friends almost immediately after hearing the news that she was pregnant. So, needless to say, it was difficult patiently waiting month after month until it was time to present the cake to them!

They had a beautiful baby boy and we are wishing them nothing but the best!