Monday, August 22, 2011

It's Quiet

If you have been to one of our shows, then you have heard me sing my mom's praise in the products she brings to our table.  I am completely smitten with the amazing hats and booties she crocheted, the fun hair bows and fancy tutus, the adorable pacifier clips... her's was an imagination that truly knew no limits.  Every time we spoke, she had a new idea for something great to bring to the shows for you.  We would text pictures of our latest crafty creations back and forth and we were so excited to see you all this Fall.

In June, my mother was suddenly taken from us.  I have been living in a world without her light, and that is truly a dark place.  This is why you haven't seen the new website I was going to surprise her with, or the neat products that she was going to surprise us all with.  She was my crafty partner in crime and she never ceased to amaze me.  This is why it has been so very quiet on the page.  It is so very quiet in my heart now.

This is the only picture I have of us together at a show.  If you happen to have one in your stash, I would love to have a copy:

I can't say if or when I will be back to doing shows.  I will still be open to discussing new orders and our current inventory via the website, email, and phone, but my work load will be reduced for now.  Her's was a beautifully inspired mind and making these products for you all was truly her joy and peace in rough waters.  For those of you who stopped by and told her how much you loved her work, I thank you.  You brought sunshine to her life and for that, I will be forever grateful.
