Thursday, October 28, 2010

Is there cake on your TV?

As you know, I will be vending at The Funky Finds Experience coming up very soon on Nov 6th & 7th. I am very excited about this event because I think it's going to rock the socks off of DFW. What you don't know is: I was asked to be one of three vendors interviewed for a Sneak Preview for the event!

So, I packed up a few samples of our products, along with a new surprise line that we will be revealing at The Experience, and headed to Cabbage Rose in Fort Worth. Interested to see how it went? Well, me too! Ha!

The interviews will be aired on Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010 on The CW (channel 33) during the 9PM news. Check it out to see The Curious Cake Shoppe, a preview of The Funky Finds Experience, and a sneak peek of our new product line--which I will be writing more about next week!

In the meantime, I hope to see you at our upcoming show in Coppell this Saturday! The weather looks to be beautiful and The Curious Cake Shoppe will be out in full force.

Old Town Coppell Farmers Market and Arts & Crafts Show

"This event features a variety of activities and a bounce house for the kids. There will be a full house of farmers
market vendors, in addition to the last Arts & Crafts Show of the year!"

October 30th, 2010
8:00AM to 12:00PM

Coppell Farmers Market
Coppell, TX 75019

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Chilly Weather, Cute Hats

If you live in Texas, then you've probably noticed the weather has gone from hotter than hot to... pleasant? Yes, it is an unusual state for Texas weather and no doubt it won't last long. As it starts to get chilly, you might want to check on your cute crocheted hat inventory. You will not want to be caught low on stock!

This adorable picture was sent over by Melanie Melugin, one of the wonderful shoppers that I met at the Cowtown Indie Bazaar.

Melanie- these pictures are amazing, thanks for sending them over!

*Although adorable for photos, The Curious Cake Shoppe suggests wearing a little more than just a hat to tackle the chilly weather. But, just like this fellow above, if you get the hat right-- the rest will come easy! :D

Do you have product shots that you would like to share? Send them over to and I will post them here!

Thanks Mealine!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Cowtown Indie Bazaar Fall 2010

I spent several weeks gearing up for this fun event, and it feels like my feet haven't hit the ground since! That is exactly why I am so late in posting all about it.

Cowtown Indie Bazaar 2010

The Cowtown Indie Bazaar was a blast! I met so many new people and truly enjoyed chatting with and every one of you. I was very excited about this show, because I had worked on a brand new display and had several new product lines to show off.

Cowtown Indie Bazaar Setup 02

My mom came down for this show and helped me out with setup and sales pretty much all day Friday and Saturday. We had a great time!
(Neither of us like being in pictures that much, and so you wont see any of us, ha!)

Cowtown Indie Bazaar Setup 04

One of our brand new product lines is our hand crocheted hats. You can see several of them above. The pumpkin hat was a particularity big hit-- is it sad that I want one of my own to wear?

Cowtown Indie Bazaar Neighbor 03

Amber of A Shade Better Than Stick Figures, was set up next to me, which always means a good time!

Cowtown Indie Bazaar Neighbor 02

In addition to her amazing drawings, Amber was also selling the sock plops you see above. Outside of being absolutely adorable, each one is completely unique and very affordable!

For more pictures, check out our Flickr album.

See something you like in the pictures above? Come check us out at one of our upcoming craft shows! At our next show, A Shade Better Than Stick Figures will be our neighbor and we will both be sporting all these awesome products plus more!

Upcoming Shows:

St Thomas Aquinas Mothers' Association's October Market
"The St. Thomas Aquinas Mothers’ Association’s October Market is one of the largest gift and holiday markets in the Lakewood/White Rock Lake area. We take special care in selecting a variety of merchants offering unique items in order to ensure our patrons a great shopping experience, while allowing our merchants to maximize their sale potential."

October 9th, 2010
10:00AM to 6:00PM

St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School
Lower School Campus
6255 East Mockingbird
Dallas, Texas 75214

Old Town Coppell Farmers Market and Arts & Crafts Show
"This event features a variety of activities and a bounce house for the kids. There will be a full house of farmers market vendors, in addition to the last Arts & Crafts Show of the year!"

October 30th, 2010
8:00AM to 12:00PM

Coppell Farmers Market
Coppell, TX 75019

The Funky Finds Experience

"The Funky Finds Experience is a 2-day indie art & craft fair to be held November 6 & 7 in Fort Worth, Texas. The event will feature the work of over 120 talented artists, crafters & designers that hand-craft various goods. The first 50 guests both days will receive a free swag bag! Raffle tickets will be sold both days and benefit Toys for Tots."

November 6th, 2010
9:00AM - 5:00PM
November 7th, 2010
10:00AM - 4:00PM

Will Rogers Memorial Center
Amon G. Carter Exhibits Building
Fort Worth, Texas

Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Half a Dozen Sweet Treats!

Okay sure, you can't eat these sweet treats, but, The Curious Cake Shoppe continues to supply adorable cakes that do not contribute to the daily calorie count-- and that's gota be worth something, right? :D

Here are a handful of the latest cakes that have recently found new homes:

I'm afraid some of the pictures got cut off in the Mosaic Maker, so feel free to hit the Flickr photostream for better pictures and more information about all our cakes!

Even better than Flickr, swing on by The Cowtown Indie Bazaar on Saturday and check out our latest and greatest cakes yourself! We will have a lot of new designs and new products including our super adorable crocheted baby hats!

Here's a sneak peak...

Monday, August 9, 2010

Cool Weather, Cool Events

The last couple of months have been hectic between orders, life, and a little bit of vacation! I've been hiding indoors from this sweltering heat, but cool weather will soon be approaching (hopefully!) and so will some very cool shows! Here is some information about just a few that are on the horizon:

Cowtown Indie Bazaar

This free, family friendly event will host more than 80 select artisans, designers, and crafters showcasing how innovation and craftsmanship combined create unique, modern, handmade goods. Find handcrafted jewelry, original artwork, stylish decor for the home, upcycled and repurposed vintage wares, and more. Enjoy live music, FREE crafts for children, FREE photo booth, food for purchase, day long raffles benefiting the Tarrant County Food Bank, and FREE goody bags filled handmade treasures for the first 50 customers.

September 4th, 2010
9:00AM to 6:00PM

Will Rogers Memorial Center
Round Up Inn
3401 West Lancaster Avenue
Fort Worth, TX 76107

The Funky Finds Experience

This free, fun, family friendly, two-day event will host a variety of artists and crafters showcasing their handmade creations. Both Saturday and Sunday, handmade swag bags full of free goodies will be rewarded to the first 50 attendees to purchase $5 worth of raffle tickets, benefiting a local charity. Bring a new unwrapped toy to donate to Toys for Tots and receive a free raffle ticket!

November 6th, 2010
9:00AM to 5:00PM
November 7th, 2010
10:00AM to 4:00PM

Will Rogers Memorial Center
Amon G. Carter Jr Exhibits Bldg.
3400 Burnett Tandy Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76107

Click here for information regarding parking at Will Rogers.

We will have a lot of fun new products and designs to showcase at both of these exciting events. Hope to see you there!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Centerpiece or Seven...

One of the many things that I love about diaper cakes is their versatility. There is a diaper cake to be created for every theme and color scheme; and each is as unique as the person who ordered it. Diaper cakes can be given at baby showers, received in the mail, or even delivered to the hospital. Diaper cakes are gifts carrying gifts, and the end result is so adorable and fun... they are practically centerpieces in and of themselves. So, when I was contacted to help decorate a baby shower by creating 7 zoo themed diaper cakes to serve as centerpieces on their tables, I was thrilled at the challenge.

I set out shopping for all things zoo related, on a mission to make each individual cake just a little different and special, but to still have them match and tie the theme together from table to table.

Here is what I came up with:

As individual cakes, I wanted them to look adorable. But, as a group, I wanted them to look amazing! What do you think?

I did receive an email after the shower, and I was excited to hear that the cakes were a big hit! Everyone loved them, and several even tried to take them home. Can you imagine how neat it would be for the guest of honor to find out that they are all for her? Poof: there is an instant supply of matching bedding and stuffed animals for her adorable little baby boy, and decorations galore for her nursery!

Can you tell I'm just crazy about gifts that keep giving?

If you're planning a baby shower and are interested in ordering centerpieces for your tables, contact us at for your custom quote!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Thrice as Nice

My computer recently decided to give up on me, so I've been without all my files and unable to post any updates! It's a good thing that I don't need a computer to keep making Curious Cake Shoppe goodies, matter of fact, I've probably been even more productive because of it.

Despite the technology vacation, I'm happy to be back and I have a few cakes to share with you:

Click the image above to visit our Flickr gallery for larger pictures and more information on each cake.

This last cake was an extra special treat to work on! It was my first diaper cake for twins, and I had a wonderful time creating it. The theme I was given was a lot of fun, but two of anything is twice as nice. So, in the spirit of that, I decided that sharing three cakes at once might just be thrice as nice! I hope you like them. :)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Our Shoppe @ Friends of the Bedford Library Bazaar

Mark your calendar for Saturday, April 17th for beautiful weather and great shopping! The Curious Cake Shoppe will be set up at the "Friends of the Bedford Library Bazaar" and we've got lots of fun new products including diaper cakes, hair clips, tutus, cupcakes, truffles, lollipops, and more!

Show Info:

Saturday, April 17th 2010
9:00 AM to 4:30 PM

Pennington Field
Bedford, TX
(Click link for map)

The bazaar will showcase aisle after aisle of vendors selling jewelry, antiques, furniture, clothes, baby items, collectibles, bedding, scrapbooking, and much more.

Hope to see you there!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

DFW Craft Shows - Community and Craft Calendar

The Curious Cake Shoppe is excited to present... DFW Craft Shows!

DFW Craft Shows is a community for artists, crafters, and shoppers to share and learn about local arts & craft shows in North Texas. The goal is to help local artisans and their communities connect. Artists and crafters find out about new opportunities to share and sell their crafty creations, and local events are promoted and supported in hopes of granting them successful shows and bringing them back year after year.

If you know any artists, crafters, or shoppers that might be interested, please help us spread the word!

The link is : and below are a couple of badges with code that you can copy and paste into your website or blog!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Open-Air Market, Air strikes back!

If you joined us out in Grapevine on Saturday, then it's no news to you that the wind was certainly present and accounted for. This time when I said : "The show was fun! My products were flying off the table!" I meant it quite literally!

Within 30 minutes of starting my setup, I got a first hand lesson in "Wind Proofing." After a gust of wind and a loud thump, I looked over to find one of my diaper cakes had flown off the table and landed, quite safely, on the chair next to it. Whew! Considering myself lucky, I started securing products the best I could. Despite the ongoing battle with Mother Nature, the day was fun-filled and I made many new acquaintances.

Thanks to everyone who braved the wind to come say hello, and a big thanks to everyone who brought back any rogue products they found several feet away from their proper vendors. All those dedicated vendors deserve a big round of applause for hanging in there and doing so with a great big smile on their face!

The Curious Cake Shoppe @ 1st Annual Cannon Open-Air Market
Click the link above to visit our Flickr Show Set and see more pictures!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Sunshine, and just in time!

It's 70 degrees out and parts all over the metroplex are still covered in snow. So much for the first day of Spring! The good news, however, is that spring-like weather is heading our direction this weekend, which is just in time for the Cannon 1st Annual Open-Air Market!

Show Info:

Saturday, March 27th 2010
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Cannon Elementary
1300 W. College
Grapevine, Texas

The open-air market will feature a variety of crafts and products, including handmade jewelry, art, children's clothing and accessories, baby's clothing and baby shower gifts, fresh made grain foods, home decor, kitchen items, leather items, sunglasses, hats and much much more.

For more information visit their event listing.

The Curious Cake Shoppe will be out in full force, enjoying the beautiful weather and hoping to see you there!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Go ahead, share a smile!

We LOVE receiving customer pictures of our products! If you have any pictures of your favorite little ones running around in Curious Cake Shoppe gear, or any our gifts at your baby showers--send them in! Not only will it put a great big smile on our faces, but we'll post them here so our readers can share in the smile too!

This picture was sent in by Greg. Here are 3 of his adorable nieces sporting a few of our hair clip and headband sets! These sets look great at every age: from infant and up. I didn't even need to say that, did I? The proof is in the picture!

Thanks, Greg, for sharing this lovely picture with us!

Our hair accessories are not up on the website just yet, but we are in the process of site updates and will be adding them soon! Meanwhile, for anyone interested in purchasing their own set, contact us at

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Funky Time at Funky Finds!

The Funky Finds Spring Fling was a blast! There were so many super talented artists and crafters at the show, not to mention all the wonderful people that came to shop and support the art and crafts community.

Thanks to everyone who stopped by our booth to say hello; it was a treat to meet you all! One of those lovely people was Cindy from Art&Seek, who posted the following coverage of the event for KERA:

We are thrilled that she took the time to swing by our booth and share our crafty creations!

For those of you who were not able to attend the event, here are a few pictures of our setup:

The Curious Cake Shoppe @ Funky Finds Spring Fling

The Curious Cake Shoppe @ Funky Finds Spring Fling

The Curious Cake Shoppe @ Funky Finds Spring Fling

The Curious Cake Shoppe @ Funky Finds Spring Fling

Who's that next to you, you might ask?

A Shade Better Than Stick Figures @ Funky Finds Spring Fling

Why, that's Amber of A Shade Better Than Stick Figures and my super supportive hubby, Richard. (Not pictured, but equally wonderful, was Alonzo--Amber's pit crew--and my mom, the super talented contributor of hair clips and tutus.) I was very lucky to have such a great booth posse at this show (and I hope at many more)! Thanks guys!

For more pictures of the event, check out the Funky Finds Spring Fling 2010 Flickr Group.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Funky Town

This weekend is quickly approaching and with it comes The Funky Finds 2010 Spring Fling! The crew over at Funky Finds have been preparing for this show since November, and have done a spectacular job of advertising the show and supporting myself and my fellow frazzled vendors (all 120+ of them)! There are going to be so many vendors all selling unique, amazing handmade gifts, so you're not going to want to miss this one.

The show is March 13th, 9am until 3pm (or until the crowd simmers down).

The first 50 people to spend $5 in raffle tickets will receive swag bags which consist of items donated from many of the vendors. The raffle will consist of items donated by ALL the vendors, and not only will you get the chance to win some of these awesome goodies, but all proceeds will go towards the North Texas Humane Society and Casa of Tarrant County! As if that weren't enough, Funky Finds is also sponsoring pet adoptions at the event. All in all, this is going to be a spectacular event and I could not be more impressed with the lovely people in charge of it.

Don't forget to swing by and say hello, I'd love to see everyone and show you the fun new goodies we have made!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I always say I love a challenge...

One Tier Depends Birthday Joke Diaper Cake (Front)
Originally uploaded by taniamc

But this one takes the cake! (Oh what a terrible pun).

A good friend of mine approached me with a cake request:
Use Depends Adult Diapers to make a Joke Cake for her father's 60th birthday party.

Well, sure, whatever you want! :)

She went shopping for all of her joke loot, and then I got to work.
There was certainly a point where I thought this cake just wasn't going to come together. But, hey, isn't that what a challenge is all about? A few head tilts and "hmmmm"'s later... the cake was completed!

She was happy with the end result, her father thought it was hilarious (whew), and I had great time giggling through this challenge.

Joke cakes are available by request only. So, for those of you who might be interested in ordering such a cake, feel free to contact me at!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Looking forward to spring...

It has been awfully rainy and cold here lately. And since I certainly don't want to be outside enjoying the weather right now, I am looking forward to spring time and the fun craft shows that it will bring. One of those upcoming shows is the Funky Finds Spring Fling, which I am not only super excited about setting up at... but I might even have to sneak off and do a tad bit of shopping myself. (Ssssh, don't tell!)

There are going to be a ton of neat vendors set up, including many you've probably seen on I'm also excited to announce that my very good friend Amber from A Shade Better Than Stick Figures will also be set up at the show-- right next to our booth!

So, mark your calendars and be sure to swing by our booth. We will have all the fun products we offer online, plus several new ones you've never seen before!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Vintage Airplane Cake

Recently I was contacted to created a custom diaper cake with a vintage airplane theme. I was thrilled to accept such a unique and fun challenge!

(Click the image above to visit our Flickr gallery for more pictures!)

The cake was not only a blast to work on, but it forced me to think outside of the box. Unable to find a topper that I felt suited the cake, I ended up trying out a new skill set and making one myself! I am quite pleased with out it turned out. I hope you guys like it too!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Goodbye 2009, Hello cake pictures!

Happy New Year Everyone!

We hope that 2010 has been good to everyone so far. 2009 was a good year here at The Shoppe; It brought us this new website, new product lines, several new craft shows, and most importantly -- many new friends that we are so grateful for!

We are excited to see what 2010 has in store for us, but for now we wanted to share some of our recent cake creations with you!

(Click the image above to visit our Flickr gallery and learn more about each individual cake.)

The cake in the middle was a particular treat to work on, as it was ordered by a friend for a friend, both of which I used to work with. I enjoy making every cake that passes through our doors, but there is something extra special about working on a cake for a friend. I hope they loved the cake as much as I enjoyed working on it!