One Tier Depends Birthday Joke Diaper Cake (Front)
Originally uploaded by taniamc
But this one takes the cake! (Oh what a terrible pun).
A good friend of mine approached me with a cake request:
Use Depends Adult Diapers to make a Joke Cake for her father's 60th birthday party.
Well, sure, whatever you want! :)
She went shopping for all of her joke loot, and then I got to work.
There was certainly a point where I thought this cake just wasn't going to come together. But, hey, isn't that what a challenge is all about? A few head tilts and "hmmmm"'s later... the cake was completed!
She was happy with the end result, her father thought it was hilarious (whew), and I had great time giggling through this challenge.
Joke cakes are available by request only. So, for those of you who might be interested in ordering such a cake, feel free to contact me at!
Fantastic job Tania! I can't thank you enough!