Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I always say I love a challenge...

One Tier Depends Birthday Joke Diaper Cake (Front)
Originally uploaded by taniamc

But this one takes the cake! (Oh what a terrible pun).

A good friend of mine approached me with a cake request:
Use Depends Adult Diapers to make a Joke Cake for her father's 60th birthday party.

Well, sure, whatever you want! :)

She went shopping for all of her joke loot, and then I got to work.
There was certainly a point where I thought this cake just wasn't going to come together. But, hey, isn't that what a challenge is all about? A few head tilts and "hmmmm"'s later... the cake was completed!

She was happy with the end result, her father thought it was hilarious (whew), and I had great time giggling through this challenge.

Joke cakes are available by request only. So, for those of you who might be interested in ordering such a cake, feel free to contact me at orders@curiouscakeshoppe.com!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Looking forward to spring...

It has been awfully rainy and cold here lately. And since I certainly don't want to be outside enjoying the weather right now, I am looking forward to spring time and the fun craft shows that it will bring. One of those upcoming shows is the Funky Finds Spring Fling, which I am not only super excited about setting up at... but I might even have to sneak off and do a tad bit of shopping myself. (Ssssh, don't tell!)

There are going to be a ton of neat vendors set up, including many you've probably seen on Etsy.com. I'm also excited to announce that my very good friend Amber from A Shade Better Than Stick Figures will also be set up at the show-- right next to our booth!

So, mark your calendars and be sure to swing by our booth. We will have all the fun products we offer online, plus several new ones you've never seen before!